Are Marketable Securities A Current Asset? How It Is Treated

Marketable securities are financial assets such as bonds and mutual and they are traded on the public market and are one of the best liquid assets.
Are Marketable Securities A Current Asset
Marketable securities are treated as current assets in the statement of financial position because they are easy to trade and convert into cash for urgent use. Common examples of marketable securities are common stocks, bonds, mutual funds, treasury bills, etc.
Marketable securities can be sold for cash or other economic resources that can be used and get financial benefits within a business cycle.
It is crucial for marketable security to be treated as a current asset in the balance sheet to meet some requirements such as for bond maturity must be less than one year or for marketable equities it is essential to be bought or sold within a year.
What is the definition of marketable securities?
These are the investments that can be converted into cash in a short time such as bonds, treasury bills, and certificates of deposit.
Are Marketable Securities A Current Asset?
Marketable securities are kept as an investment in a company because they are easy to convert into cash within a short period. Companies use these assets for paying short-term debts and use in maintaining working capital.
What are the four categories of marketable securities?
Four categories of marketable securities are equity, debt, hybrid, and derivatives.
What are the main characteristics of marketable securities?
The followings are the main characteristics of marketable securities:
- It can be bought and sold on public stock or bond exchange market
- It can be purchased or sold within a year
- Easy to liquidate without losing value, etc.
Do marketable securities go on the balance sheet?
These are recorded in the section of current assets as cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet.
What are marketable securities classified as in the balance sheet?
Marketable securities are classified as current assets in the balance sheet because they are expected to exchange within a business cycle.