Is Land A Current Asset Or Fixed Asset In The Balance Sheet

The statement of financial position is a financial statement that shows the total net worth of a business or a company. The statement of financial position or balance sheet includes assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity.(Assets Meaning In Accounting)
Is Land An Asset
The land is an asset that has an infinite life, so land is considered a fixed asset and is recorded in the balance sheet under the heading of non-current assets.
Land takes much time to convert into cash, even if it is expected to sell within a year, it is still not included in the current assets, and instead of current assets, it is included in the fixed assets.
The land is the only fixed asset that is not depreciated because its useful life cannot be defined. This feature of the land makes it unique from all the assets. Depreciation is prohibited for land rest all fixed assets have finite useful life and they are subject to depreciate over their useful lives.

Why land is not included in the balance sheet as a current asset?
The land is a non-current asset because it is not easy to sell the land within a year or a business cycle.
Is land an investment?
Yeah, the land is a long-term investment.
Is land an asset or liability?
The land is an asset, not a liability.
Is land a non-current asset?
Yes, the land is an example of NCA.
Is land debit or credit?
As we know the land is an asset so the balance on the land account is debited.
Is land an example of a liquid asset?
No, the land is an example of a non-liquid asset.
Is land a capital asset?
Yes, land is a fixed asset or capital asset.
Is land an example of a tangible asset?
Yes, the land is an example of a tangible asset.
Is land a good investment?
Land increases its value over its life and it is never depreciated, so yeah land is a good investment for long term.
Is land a current asset?
No, land is not a short term asset, it is a non current asset.
Is land a real estate investment?
Land is considered as a real estate investment.